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Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 16th, 2013

Well things here on the farm are coming together.  Christa has taken the lead in almost everything as I've been in and out of town for work and will be till the end of August. But even though we had a late winter, we've had some of the most gorgous weather the last month.  80's in Anchorage is pretty rare and we've had quite a few in a row now.  While my poor Alaska acclamated body is not enjoying the heat and all that sun the plants and chickens sure are. Lets have a look around the farm!

Here's a look at the new coop in its permanent location. I just made that front side so it can open up and it's easier to get at the water bucket and to clean up the run.

Potato boxes.
Raspberry bramble coming to life!!
Green Beans starting to take off.
Cucumber corner.
The tomatoes are loving the heat.
Out front.

Should have some green beans in a few weeks and maybe a first round of radishes.

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