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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Life on the farm - It's kinda layed back

A few more photos of the new additions. I call them 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Sure was nice to get home from work and find this in the coop.

I put the eggs in the pile, but none were broken which is a big plus.  I'm sure the girls will love having more space and nesting boxes in the new coop.

And Christa went out last night to put up the chickens and found our old timer like this...
I have no idea how she found her way up there.  She's at least blind in one eye and perpetually confused.  We decided to put her in the coop last night and she did fine.  All the new girls left her alone and ended up sleeping outside in the run on the roost.  We'll see how they are doing when I get home tonight.

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